Merton College
One of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford

The Merton College main site is made up of six distinct areas - Front Quad, St Alban’s Quad, Fellows’ Quad, Mob Quad, Rose Lane, and the Grove Building.
There is step free access to many of the main areas of the College. However, there are many historic buildings and some areas are not accessible for wheelchair users. The College has a good provision of accessible bedrooms. The Porters' Lodge, The TS Eliot Theatre and the chapel have fixed induction loop systems.
This table contains summary information about the building
On-site designated parking for Blue Badge holders |
Yes - 2 spaces |
Public designated parking for Blue Badge holders within 200m | Yes - Oriel Square |
Other nearby parking | Yes - pay and display |
Main entrance | Level. Manual door |
Alternative entrance | No |
Wheelchair accessible toilets | 2 |
Lift | Several around the College |
Hearing support systems | Yes - including in Porters' Lodge |
Follow the link to view a floor plan of the building showing level access routes:
The main entrance to the College is on Merton Street via the large wooden gates (under the tower). If the doors are closed, the Porters can open the main doors to allow level access to the Porters’ Lodge, and then Front Quad, Fellows’ Quad, St Alban’s Quad, Mob Quad, Grove Buildings, and (via the Fellows’ Garden) Rose Lane.
Once in the College, there is level access between all the quads, the Chapel and the gardens and buildings beyond.
The Merton site has several entrances. The Rose Lane end of the site (to the east) can be accessed through the North Lodge gate or the Mure Arch gate by students and staff with key fob access.
The Fellows’ Garden can be accessed from within the main site pending the Garden Gate being open. Otherwise it is accessed via a narrow and steep set of steps. For guaranteed level access there is a route also through a doorway (the ‘late gate’) off Merton Street and down and a ramp into the grounds. Again, key fob access is required.
Regular users and disabled visitors to the College will be issued with a key fob that operates the power doors. These doors are located in St Alban’s (for access to the JCR) and Mob Library. In addition, the accessible rooms in Grove 2, Mob 2.5 (both on the main site), and in Block B on the Holywell site, each contain power doors.
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Each site has a Porters' Lodge.
Main site
The Porters' Lodge is located just off Merton Street. Pass through the main gateway to the College and through a small archway on your left is the reception desk. It has a large, lowered desk and is staffed 24 hours a day.
Holywell site
The Porters' Lodge is located just off Holywell Street. Pass through the main gateway up a cobbled drive and on your left is a semi-circular structure which houses the Porters' Lodge. It has a window which is quite high for those in a wheelchair it is easy to gain access to the area where the Porter can assist you. The Lodge is staffed 24 hours a day.
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There is an accessible toilet located on the Fitzjames Staircase in Front Quad. The doorway is located in the far left corner as you pass through the Porters’ Lodge. Pass through the wooden door then on the left-hand side is a small toilet complex and the accessible WC is located directly in front of you.
At the eastern end of the college site there is also an accessible toilet located adjacent to the TS Eliot Theatre. When in the lobby area and facing the theatre, there is a suite of rooms on the left-hand side. Pass through the doorway and the accessible toilet is located immediately on the right hand side.
There are also fully accessible private toilets located in the en-suites in both fully-accessible and adapted rooms, in Grove 2 (main site) and Block B (Holywell buildings) and an accessible en suite in the Leonard Cheshire room in Mob Quad (main site).
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There are four lifts on site: Front Quad, the TS Eliot Theatre, in the Finlay Building, and St Alban’s.
The only lift in the older section of the main site takes those with mobility impairments from Front Quad up to the Dining Hall and the complex of rooms beyond. It is located to the right hand side of the Dining Hall entrance.
The second lift grants access to the rear of the TS Eliot Theatre and the complex of seminar rooms on the first floor of South Lodge.
The third lift is located in the Finlay Building which houses some of the administrative offices of the College. It is located adjacent to the stairs and accesses all floors.
The fourth lift is a stairlift to access the JCR. This lift is key operated and users will need to be escorted by a member of staff. If you have specific requirements please contact the Porters’ Lodge on 01865 276310.
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The site has grown over many centuries and as such has a mixture of stairs.
In total, there are more than 30 staircases. Below is a selection of images to try and represent the mix.
Where possible, the College has provided railings and tactile edgings and contrast nosing to aid those with visual and mobility impairments.
Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge:
The site has grown over many centuries and as such also has a mixture of doors.
Around the site, important doors have been powered to allow easy accessibility where possible. The Porters can issue a key fob that will operate them.
Some of the older doors are heavy and wooden, and those with strength issues might require assistance.
Below is a selection of images to try and represent the mix.
Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge:
The main site has two library spaces: Mob Library and the Old Warden’s Lodgings.
Mob Library
There is level access to most of the lower floor of the library. There is ramped access via the front door into the main reading room which is located on the right-hand side in the lobby area and accessed by a key fob. It may also be opened using a college-issued remote control.
There is a single step up to the computer room, which is at the far end of the library (on the right as you go in).
The upper floor of the library may only be visited on a tour. The only access is via a set of steep stairs (although there is a handrail).
Old Warden’s Lodgings
In order to reach this library it is necessary to cross Merton Street which is cobbled. There is stretch of smoothly laid cobbles from directly outside the Lodge to the pavement leading to Old Warden’s Lodgings.
The majority of this building is taken up with library space, however a number of tutors and others have offices there on the top two floors. The main entrance from Merton Street is up a small flight of steps but there is an alternative, step free entrance at the rear (although the door is very heavy). All entry is controlled by key fob. There is a central staircase which runs up the height of the building, but no lift, so those who cannot manage stairs are restricted to the ground floor. The library staff can assist as necessary.
The book shelves are quite tightly packed and some reading tables and desks could be obstacles to those who use wheelchairs. There is a computer room on the ground floor.
The Librarian can be contacted on 01865 276 380.
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The TS Eliot Theatre is located at the Rose Lane end of the main site. It can be accessed from Rose Lane itself or via the main entrance to the College on Merton Street (if you don’t mind a stroll). For those who are mobility impaired it’s a convoluted route via the gardens - be warned! The gate to the gardens is not always open, and so it is best to check with the Porters on arrival.
Once inside the lobby area, there is an informal seating area and an occasional servery located behind large sliding doors.
To reach the lecture theatre, there are entrances to the right- and left-hand side. Once inside, there is tiered seating with steps leading up either side of the seats. Wheelchair users can sit at either the front or the rear as there is a lift located to the left hand side of the main lobby adjacent to the stairs.
There is also level entry directly into the theatre from a parking space at the end of Rose Lane.
Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge:
Merton College has many seminar rooms of different sizes and ages.Whilst some of the rooms in the older areas of the College are not accessible, there are some situated on the ground floor. All of the seminar rooms in the TS Eliot Theatre Complex are accessible and vary in size too.
Most seminar rooms have moveable furniture. If a user has specific needs, some of the rooms could be set up accordingly.
Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge:
The JCR is located on the ground floor of staircase 2 (St Alban’s Quad). This space is up a small flight of steps from the quad itself although level access is available via a door off Merton Street where a stairlift can take wheelchair users down to the main room. On the opposite side of the lobby is the JCR TV room and kitchen which are both level access. Regular users will be issued with a key and instructed how to work the lift.
Please click on the thumbnails below:
There are some additional spaces that fall outside of the typical JCR/MCR/bar construct.
Main site
The Music Room is located on the start of the pathway to the raised walk along the college walls. Unfortunately access is only via a small flight of steps.
Holywell site
There is a Summer House which is accessible via a ramp.The Kristofferson Common Room (KCR), a basement common room in Block A, is accessible via a platform lift.
Please click on the thumbnails below:
This Quad contains:
Staircases 1-5
Seminar rooms: John Roberts Room (Fitzjames 1), Americas Room (Fitzjames 2), Breakfast Room
Please click on the thumbnail below to enlarge:
This Quad contains:
Staircases 1-5
Please click on the thumbnail below to enlarge:
This Quad contains:
Staircases 1-5
Seminar rooms: Sir Howard Stringer Room, David Harvey Room, Ian Taylor Room, John Moussouris Room (all contained in the TS Eliot Theatre Complex) and the Mure Room
Please click on the thumbnail below to enlarge:
There are accessible bedrooms on both sites; all are en-suite.
Main site
Grove 2. There is an accessible ground floor room, with large wheel-in shower room. There is also a ceiling hoist and medical grade bed. All the doors from the outside to the room (including the en-suite) are powered. Adjacent to this room is a single room with a small lounge/study that could be used for a carer.
The Leonard Cheshire room located in the Mob Quad is also accessible. There are three doors to pass through that are powered and operated by a fob. Some larger wheelchair users may struggle to enter the room due to the small lobby area, but once inside there is ample space and an en-suite shower room.
Holywell site
There is an accessible ground floor room, located in Block B in the main quad. The set up is similar to Grove 2 in that it has a large en-suite wheel-in shower room. There is also a ceiling hoist and medical-grade bed. All the doors leading to the room (including the en-suite) are powered. Adjacent to this room is a single room that could be used for a carer.
Please click on the thumbnails below:
There is a platform lift from the Front Quad up to the Dining Hall (and the complex of rooms beyond).
Once inside the Dining hall there are fixed tables, and seats which can be moved for those who need wheelchair access. The top table is on a stage; there is a temporary ramp which can be used when needed.
The serving counter is unfortunately too high for wheelchair users to use independently; staff will be happy to help if needed.
Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge:
Unfortunately none of the laundry rooms on site are accessible to those who need level access. If required, the College will provide assistance with laundry.
Main Site
There are two laundry rooms. One is based on staircase 5, Rose Lane Quad. Whilst it is on the ground floor, there is a small step up from outside to enter the ground floor lobby which is not ramped.
There is an additional laundry room located in the basement of staircase 3 of St Alban’s Quad.
Holywell site
There is a basement laundry located off the main quad. There are steps down and a railing on both sides.
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The gym is located in the Rose Lane end of the site. The gym has level access with a ramp up to the door. Some users might find it tricky to open the door on the ramp. Once inside, it consists of one big room with equipment. There are areas where the equipment is quite tightly packed so some wheelchair users might struggle.
There is a changing area located in the gym too with a large toilet and showers that some mobility impaired users may be able to use.
Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge:
The Sports Ground and Pavilion are located at the rear of St Catherine’s College along Manor Road.
The main block is level access with a ramp up from the cark park and again to the door. Some users might find it tricky to open the door on the ramp. Inside, it has male and female changing rooms, showers and a large double height hall for social events.
The changing rooms are spacious, but there are no accessible changing or shower facilities on site.
Adjacent to the main building are the squash courts, with single step access.
There is no lift on site, so those with mobility issues are restricted to ground floor facilities.
Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge:
The Chapel is located through Mob Quad and can be reached by passing through Front Quad from under an archway then taking a straight path through the right-hand edge of Mob Quad and passing out the other side.The entrance to the Chapel is on the right. The flag-stones have been remodelled to allow level access although some users might find it a bit steep.
There is a small wooden lobby area inside the Chapel. Pass through these doors and you are in the Chapel space. There is a level change to head into the main vestibule of the Chapel which has ramp access. There is quite a difference in height, so some users may want assistance.
Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge:
Merton has extensive and beautiful gardens.
The gardens can be accessed from both the main Porters’ Lodge and the Rose Lane end of the site. To access the gardens directly from Merton Street, there is key fob access via a gate (the ‘late gate’) where ramped access leads down to the Fellows’ Garden. From here there are pathways leading to Rose Lane, and up the raised walkway along the boundary wall. Unfortunately access to the raised walk along the College walls is only via a small flight of steps. All the level pathways in the garden are a compressed, hard-core surface and should be manageable for wheelchair users.
For level access to the gardens from the complex of old quads, pass via Fellows’ Quad. The gate to the gardens is not always open, and so it is best to check with the Porters on arrival.
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There are fixed induction loop systems in the TS Eliot Theatre, the Damon Wells Chapel and the Porters’ Lodge. There is also a portable induction loop available in the Old Warden's Lodgings library.
Contact details
Merton College
Merton St
01865 276 310
Contact the Access Guide
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