Bradmore Road Nursery
Childcare Services

There is step-free access around the nursery and garden. There is a wheelchair accessible toilet.
View all childcare services and University day nurseries buildings
This table contains summary information about the building
On-site designated parking for Blue Badge holders | No |
Public designated parking for Blue Badge holders within 200m | Yes |
Other nearby parking | Yes - Pay and display |
Main entrance | Level. Manual door |
Alternative entrance | No |
Wheelchair accessible toilets | 1 |
Lift | No |
Hearing support systems | No |
The main entrance door and garden door are both level access. To reach the main entrance from the road, head around the back of the building which faces Bradmore Road, following the signed route. Go through the car park, and the main entrance is the building with the white frontage. The door on the right hand side is the entrance door. There is no intercom system at nursery and the doorbell is quite high on a wall. A wheelchair user would not be able to raise attention when arriving at nursery as a visitor without a key code entry. However, staff are aware of the times when visitors/parents should be arriving.
Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge:
There is no reception, but the nursery office is near to the main entrance (the second door on the left hand side after you enter the building).
Accessible toilets
To reach the accessible toilet, you will need to pass through the play area, which is straight ahead of you as you enter the building. Once you are through the play area, keep going through the washroom to get to the accessible toilet.
Standard toilets
There are standard toilets scattered throughout the ground floor. All toilets are suitable for all genders.
Please click on the thumbnail below to enlarge:
Some internal doors are fire doors, and all have full length vision panels. Doors may be coded for staff-only access, and door handles are placed high up out of the reach of the children. Please ask the staff if you have trouble reaching any door handles. The doors into the garden are sliding patio doors with a small lip, and there is also a safety gate to go through en-route.
Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge:
Contact details
4 Bradmore Road
01865 593867
Contact the Access Guide
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